Wondering Minds is a community Interest company researching and providing alternative solutions to the mental health crisis through collaborative group experiences centred on art, storytelling and nature.

We believe that by empowering individuals through storytelling, immersion in nature, collaborative art projects and professional development we can create spaces and experiences which transform lives and provide alternatives to traditional therapy and prescription drugs.

Wondering Minds is at the start of its journey and is looking to collaborate with businesses, individuals, charities and organisations to further our practise and research into alternative ways to move through mental health complications.

Bringing people together in group environments to have new experiences together, learn new things and being creative can have a massive impact on the trajectory of an individuals mental health journey.

Learn about how we work >

We are here to collaborate with you to build a brighter word.

Collaborative Filmmaking

Bringing people together to tell stories and make films.

Professional Development

Working with groups to get people back into work and find a new path.

Community Art Projects

Using art as a tool to explore challenges facing communities.

Immersion in Nature

Running retreats for people with mental health to spend time in the countryside learning skills, walking, swimming and camping.